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Od Lorda

Datum: 12.10.14
Přidal/a: Fenrir Hlavní administrátor
Rozměr: 800 x 600 pixely
Velikost: 76.32kB
Komentáře: 824
Hodnocení: Žádný
Zobrazené: 62518


Karess #531 Karess
dne April 12 2017 02:30:16
Karson #532 Karson
dne April 12 2017 04:24:34
Tisha #533 Tisha
dne April 12 2017 05:46:45
Gertrude #534 Gertrude
dne April 13 2017 14:51:14
Jory #535 Jory
dne April 13 2017 15:45:52
Rogererofs #536 Rogererofs
dne April 13 2017 22:53:56
Urdu hasbeen written within the Nastaliq model because the 12th-century, after the script formulated by Persians and Arabs. Things You May Need Urdu dictionary Urdu Thesaurus Instructions Join Urdu publishing courses at a School or your local Pupil Language-Learning stores. Additionally, you'll find classes kept to encourage and teacher authors to learn the Urdu language. This may allow you to develop an awareness of the usage of the various terms in Urdu, and can improve your writing, which makes it more reliable and organized. Assemble substance in Urdu and look for posts and news reports to read in Urdu. This may allow you to assimilate Urdu vocabulary that can help boost your publishing. If you find a phrase that you don't know the meaning of, or are baffled about its use, you are able to consult the dictionary. Set a goal to publish a certain amount in a given occasion and adhere to that in order to improve your writing abilities.
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Libby #537 Libby
dne April 14 2017 11:37:27
Crissy #538 Crissy
dne April 14 2017 12:28:54
Deacon #539 Deacon
dne April 14 2017 19:54:01
Rosie #540 Rosie
dne April 14 2017 23:58:37

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nabojak4702-11-2020 19:39


LordStar29-06-2017 23:55

Mohla by se zvýšit aktivita, co vy na to ? Šklebící se

nabojak4702-02-2017 16:11


Fenrir21-01-2017 21:52

Těšíte se na velikonoce?

LordStar12-09-2016 22:27

Aktivita lidí tady na webu je teda něco Šklebící se

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